Contact us for 1-HOUR FREE consultation to assess the unique needs of your business.
About DGC
Driven Global Consulting is a business strategy consulting firm that supports SMEs and Startups through the process of planning a market entry strategy, business model transformation, business development and strategizing sustainable growth in a growing global marketplace.
What DGC stands for:
Passionate about fostering sustainable business momentum.
Thinking and acting both locally and globally, adapting to changes in the business environment.
Advising clients as both a consultant and partner in future success.
How We Work
We partner with our clients to mutually identify and assess the most suitable outcomes
and develop and implement a plan through the PDCA cycle.
and develop and implement a plan through the PDCA cycle.
How We Work
Listen Phase
We Listen to our customer to Identify their challenges and issues.
Acting Phase
We analyze our clients external and internal environment to find the KSFs based on their demands.
Planning Phase
By considering our clients competitive advantages we make hypothetical plans and test them to come up with possible options by customizing their business models.
Implementation Phase
By choosing the most effective plan we support our clients to identify the right resources which fit their DNA. We implement the whole strategy with our clients until the time that they get results
Service Tiers
DGC’s Service Tiers
DGC’s services are provided at four different Tiers according to customer needs and interests.
Tier 1
Strategy planning
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
For information about which tier of service best fits your organization’s needs, do not hesitate to contact us directly for 1-HOUR FREE consultation.

Tier 1
At the workshop level, DGC provides in-depth analysis and explanation of an organization’s current situation and position in a market. By our workflow, this level includes the Listen Phase and Acting Phase. Depending on the field and needs of the organization, Workshop level consultation could consist of an interview, research period, and presentation period for organization representatives.
DGC Tier 1
Tier 2
Strategy planning
Our second tier of services begins with a strong foundation through Tier 1. After finishing the Workshop phase, DGC then works with its clients to design a comprehensive strategy for moving forward in light of current and future market trends. By our workflow, Tier 2 includes the Listen Phase, Acting Phase, and Planning Phase.
Strategy planning
DGC Tier 2
Tier 3
Our third tier of services is the Implementation Phase of the strategy designed in Tier 2. DGC works with clients requesting Tier 3 services to implement their strategies, and work hand-in-hand to give real-time feedback and modifications to long term strategy to give an organization the optimal opportunity for success. This level includes all 4 Phases in our workflow.
DGC Tier 3
Tier 4
Our fourth tier of services is the observation phase. After realizing the results of Tier 3, we further monitor client growth in terms of new market demands and changes in their strategic planning.
DGC Tier 4
Bridging Japan and the World
Our Partners
